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your timber frame and truss industry monthly newsletter
Registrations for Timber Systems Design Short Course now open
It seems like many moons ago that FTMA helped coordinate fabricators and nail plate representatives to join forces with the Office of the Victoria Skills Commissioner to create a short course for...
Trainers Urgently Needed
Do you have skills in manufacturing or design within the frame and truss industry? Are you comfortable standing up the front of a classroom and have great communication skills? If so, please read on...
Developing Career Pathways for Staff Working in Frame & Truss Plants
As you know FTMA Australia has been working with Forestworks, other industry bodies and fabricators to review of the Frame and Truss training competencies. These qualifications are now finalised,...
FTMA Australia Webinars
We are entering our 2nd month of weekly Webinars and to date we have been extremely pleased with the presentations and input from members. FTMA is recording our webinars so if you miss any, you can...
Mental Health First Aid Training Courses
I’ve always been a big believer in finding the right people for the job especially when it comes to important training such as Mental Health in the Workplace. We were therefore extremely impressed...
Have Your Say – New Qualifications & Skill Sets for Jobs in Timber Systems Fabrication
If you are a timber system designer or support development of skills in timber system design in our local industry, you are invited to comment on two new qualifications. These qualifications are...
Training Matters
2019 has seen the development of the Short Course in Timber Systems Designer. This has been as a result of the amazing support of the Office of the Victorian Skills Commissioner (VSC), ForestWorks...
Victorian Government Delivers on New Training Course
Over two years ago, Phil Ladson and I began investigating the training, or lack thereof, for Designers within our sector. We looked at the traditional names of Estimators and Detailers and were...
Construction as Production: UTS Short Course
Learn to build more efficiently One of the first of its kind in Australia, Construction as production is a new professional development subject to help you understand production...
Review of the Timber Truss & Frame Qualifications
A lot of work has been happening on the training for the frame and truss industry and even though the wheel of progress works slowly, we believe we are heading towards a bright future for our...
NSW Smart & Skills Training
TABMA Training has been allocated existing worker funding for NSW covering a Certificate IV in: Business Sales Leadership & Management The funding needs to be allocated by the 30th June and...
What’s In A Name
For too many years our industry has struggled to find the right words and titles of describing what it is that certain people in our industry do. The people we are talking about are what we...
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