Published Reports and Resources
As part of its commitment to its members, and the timber industry as a collective, FTMA has commissioned and published the following reports and resources – meeting the association’s strategic goals of SUPPORT – INVEST – GROW.
The reports contain established scientific evidence, engineering design possibilities, and emphasise the crucial environmental benefits that timber framing can and does achieve. Timber framing and offsite prefabrication is the green future of housing construction.
These resources can be downloaded below, but must not be reproduced, in whole or in part, and in any form, without explicit permission of the copyright holder.
For all enquiries please contact:
Kersten Gentle (CEO FTMA Australia)
0418 226 242
Published Reports

Modern Methods of Construction
And the Important Role of Australia’s Timber Frame & Truss Sector
Published 2024 by FTMA Australia
This document serves to inform decision makers, and advocates for the crucial contribution of the timber frame and truss sector to Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) in Australia.
Its goal is to present a succinct overview that emphasises the urgent needs of the Australian building industry to find efficient, productive, and low emission construction solutions, and highlights the importance of timber building systems in achieving this outcome.
Copyright© Frame & Truss Manufacturers Association of Australia LTD, 2024.
Steps Towards a Greener Future
Opputunities to Tackle Climate Change and Reduce Future Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Built Environment
Published 2024. Funded by Gippsland Forestry Hubb; FTMA Australia; Department of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry
Prepared by Dr. Alastair Woodard, Wood Products Victoria
Australia has comitted to reducing GHGs under the 2015 Paris Agreement. Federal government has also comitted to delivering 1.2 million new homes over the next 5 years. This report provides considerations and recommendations focused on tackling climate change and reducing GHG emissions in the built environment – includes recommendations for government policies, voluntary initiatives, the wood products industry, and the education of wood’s value.
Copyright© Gippsland Forestry Hub 2024.
4 Steps Towards a Greener Future
A Carbon Warrior Policy Proposal
Published 2022 by FTMA Australia – Carbon Warrior
Carbon Warrior is the environmental arm of FTMA. It aims to create a greener future by raising awarenes on how to minimise the negative impacts of the construction industry on the climate. This policy proposal highlights the benefits of carbon storage through choosing timber, and outlines 4 important steps to implement for the industry, in line with leading European countries, to achieve Australia’s environmental targets.
Copyright© Frame & Truss Manufacturers Association of Australia LTD, 2022.
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