About Us
The only national association specifically
representing the timber frame and truss industry
The Frame & Truss Manufacturers Association of Australia Ltd (FTMA) was formed as a national association representing fabricators and suppliers of the Australian timber frame and truss sector in 2007.
FTMA is recognised as the trusted representative body and unified voice for all timber frame and truss manufacturers in Australia, whilst strengthening the connection with the broad supply chain.
Our vision is to create an industry where manufacturers thrive and contribute to Australia’s green built environment and we achieve this by supporting timber manufacturers whilst investing in the industry to grow and strengthen the professionalism of the timber fabrication market and viability of our members.
Strategic Plan
2023 – 2027
FTMA Australia has worked extremely hard over the past decade to lift the standards within our industry
by making our members, and manufacturers in general, better businesses.
Our 2023 – 2027 strategic plan presents an exciting five years for not only our association,
but the wider industry and we look forward to continue supporting manufacturers.
Our Team

Kersten Gentle
The passionate force that drives FTMA, our CEO Kersten Gentle, is a proud Carbon Warrior with saw dust in the boots. Kersten loves helping members find their voice and become employers of choice. In her spare time, Kersten can be found doting over her first grandchild, Austin (just ask to see the photos and she will show you!) or enjoying the beautiful scenery of her hometown in the Yarra Valley (which includes Four Pillars!).

Kat Welsh
Editor / Communications
Kat has a Bachelor Degree in Professional Writing and Publishing, and came to FTMA with a broad background of experiences, including Victorian State Government and the Criminal Justice System. Kat loves the dedicated work supporting FTMA members, and getting the focus out there about the environmental benefits of timber. In her spare time, you can find Kat either hiking in the bush, spending time with family, or working on her novel!

Trish Waters
Bookkeeping Master
When FTMA became a national association in 2007, Trish Waters was there to help guide us through the process. Trish is our finance master with a Bachelor of Business, who enables FTMA to support, invest and grow the timber frame and truss sector. When not working with FTMA, Trish is busy running her own bookkeeping business and spending time with her gorgeous D’arcy, the great dane.

Andrew Kidd
Chair – F&T National Safety Council
Andrew’s industry background spans more than 2 decades at Dahlsens, plus as a WorkSafe Victoria accredited High Risk Work Licence Assessor. Andrew holds a Dip. Of Work Health & Safety, and a Cert. IV in Training and Assessment. His expertise and passion position him well – leading the council and evolving safety protocols to meet the industry’s growing demands. Outside of work, Andrew has a passion for old cars and trucks, and loves riding his Harley Davidson – a gentle bikie at heart!

FTMA Board
The FTMA Board is comprised of manufacturers across the country.
Brendan Schneider (Chair)
Sunbury Wallframes & Truss
Billy Bowley
K&B Timber and Hardware
Jamie Dahlsen
Dahlsens Building Centres
Christine Flanagan
Calco Trusses & Timber
Aaron Hillman
Arthur Potter
Universal Trusses
Elizabeth van der Plaat
High Country Truss & Frames
Gary Walker
Belmont Timbers
Brenden Summerfield
Northwest Frames & Trusses
Benefits of Being a Member
- HR Portal
- Carbon Warrior
- IR & WHS Support
- Credit Application Forms
- Training
- Representation
- Advertise Machinery
FTMA Members’ HR Portal is in partnership with HRAnywhere – providing a comprehensive platform to streamline human resources, occupational health and safety, and workers compensation information. This innovative service, integrated directly within the FTMA website, means no more juggling multiple login credentials – one set gets you access to all the support you need, exactly as you, our valued members, have requested.
Carbon Warrior is FTMA’s environmental arm that aims to create a greener future by tackling the built environment’s impact on climate change.
As the world continues to tackle the climate crisis, it is important that those within the built environment acknowledge their impact on climate change and attempt to reduce emissions.
One of the easiest ways to reduce embodied emissions is by using renewable materials, and currently timber is the most prominent and versatile building material that provides an answer to the climate crisis.
FTMA Members have the exclusive opportunity to be a Carbon Warrior program partner and be recognised as Carbon Warriors. This program partnership entitles members to use the Carbon Warrior logos in line with the licensing agreement.
FTMA has created a wide range of Industrial Relations & WHS Fact Sheets for members to be used as a quick guide.
FTMA wants members to use FTMA as its first port of call and if we don’t know the answer, we will find the right place for you to call and get back to you.
Let us know the services you want to see created.
FTMA sought Legal advice through AB Phillips Credit department to create a Commercial Credit Application, Terms of Trade, Guarantee & Indemnity form for members which they can download from the member’s only section the website (being upgraded) and put on your letterhead, customising to your own business. Recently a builder tried to claim the form was faulty and denied a fabricators claims, but upon checking with AB Phillip’s legal team, we have been able to support the fabricator and highlight that the form is air tight and the builder was just trying to bully the fabricator. This usually costs anywhere up to $3000 to produce, but we provide this to members for free.
FTMA has committed much needed funding towards the development of the FTMA Industry Based Traineeships in Timber Systems Design.
Part of this process was to begin by changing the titles with Estimators and Detailers now names of the past and the new Timber Systems Design Team with their newly titled positions being part of our exciting future.
There is a lot of work to be done and even though everyone needed this ten years ago, we are now determined to take step by step to ensure this training helps build the skills in the Australian Frame and Truss industry for generations to come.
FTMA represents the Australian frame & truss industry on the Australian Standards committees and a range of skills and Worksafe, Training and Industry Development committees ensuring fabricators can go about their business ensuring they are being represented.
Representation by FTMA ensures our industry message is going out in a uniformed manner with the interests of fabricators at the forefront of all decision making.
FTMA members can advertise their machinery for free, as a member benefit. Machinery For Sale gets promoted in each FTMA Newsletter, via emails to hundreds of subscribers across Australia, and via FTMA social media.
FTMA Australia is committed to complying with the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles established under the Privacy Act 1988 as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000.
At the time personal information is collected, FTMA Australia will take reasonable steps to inform its customers about the purpose for which the information is collected, the customers’ right to access the information and other matters contemplated in the National Privacy Principles regulating collection of personal information. FTMA Australia is committed not to use or disclose personal information that it has collected, other than in the manner contemplated within the National Privacy Principles.
In particular, FTMA Australia policy is not to use or disclose personal information other than for the purpose for which it was collected or any reasonable secondary purpose. It is FTMA Australia policy to obtain its customers’ consent before it uses information for a purpose or in a manner different to the purpose or manner that was disclosed to its customer.
FTMA Australia welcomes your feedback on the association or FTMA News. Please email all feedback to editor@ftmanews.com.
Although all due care has been taken in assembling the information on this site, FTMA Australia accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions.
The information contained in this site is copyrighted and may not be distributed, modified, reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of FTMA Australia.
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