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Apex Kwik Table Press
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, South Coast Timber Supply has the following item for sale: Apex Kwik Table Press $49,500 Press is in working order located in the factory at Falls Creek...
Kwikset Jig
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, Peuker & Alexander, have the following item for sale: Kwikset Jig Contact Peter Alexander for price Accessories include – Kwikcamber stringline,...
Hundegger Speed-Cut SC3 – 2010 Model
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, Truss Tech Australia have the following item for sale: Hundegger Speed-Cut SC3 – 2010 Model $150,000 +GST Comes with 4 stack mitre cutting head. All...
Machinery For Sale – Razer S5 Saw
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, Timber Walls and Trusses has the following item for sale: Razer S5 Saw $300,000 Approx 10 Yrs Old Great Condition Fully serviced Viewing by appointment only...
Machinery for Sale – Supersaw
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, Prospect Frame & Truss has the following item for sale: Supersaw $7,000 +GST Automated Length Stop Serviced regularly Available for immediate pick up If...
Machinery For Sale – Popup Saw
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, South Coast Timber Supply has the following item for sale: Popup Saw $2,000 Comes with infeed and outfeed rollers plus dust extractor Location Falls Creek,...
Machinery For Sale – Alpine C4
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, South Coast Timber Supply has the following item for sale: Alpine C4: Alpine Ram Easyrider 757A $550,000 Now $325,000 neg 23m long table. Can do multiple...
Machinery For Sale – Wood Runner
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, South Coast Timber Supply has the following item for sale: Wood Runner $325,000 Now $195,000 Well maintained plant. Has 13 bunks. Currently feeding a...
Machinery For Sale – Mitek Miser Saws x2
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, South Coast Timber Supply have the following items for sale: Mitek Miser Saws x 2 $45,000 each 2008 Mitek Omni Miser II saw x 2. Includes infeed and...
Machinery For Sale – Hundegger TurboDrive 2 Saw: 2018 TD-2 Model
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, South Coast Timber Supply has the following item for sale: Hundegger TurboDrive 2 Saw: 2018 TD-2 Model $395,000 Now $310,000 2018 TD-2 Model, very well...
PRICE REDUCED – Machinery For Sale – Mitre Saw
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, Colli Timber and Hardware have the following item for sale: Mitre Saw $10,000.00 now $7,000 + GST Located in Cardup WA If interested, please contact Aaron...
Machinery For Sale – 2007 Gantry Portal
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, Dark Red Frames & Trusses has the following item for sale: 2007 Gantry Portal $39,999.00 In good working order comes complete with pedestals, camber...
PRICE REDUCED – Full Roller Press System with 3 Setups
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, Calco Trusses & Timber has the following item for sale: Full Roller Press System with 3 Setups PRICE REDUCED WAS $165,000 , NOW $85,000 +GST 2 x 14 m x...
Machinery for Sale – Multinail Vector Saw
MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, M10 Truss has the following item for sale: Multinail Vector Saw Condition slightly older than photos – $40,000 If interested please call M10 Truss on...
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