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your timber frame and truss industry monthly newsletter
Small Business & Family Enterprise Ombudsman – Kate Carnell
I couldn’t think of anyone better to open the FTMA Australia National Conference than one my long time mentors, Kate Carnell. Kate not only has a long understanding and passion for our timber...
Your rights…Terms and Conditions & Back Charges – Jaqi Rota
Jaqi Rota, the Managing Director of Austbrokers Trade Credit, partner of our Silver Sponsor AB Phillips was the perfect follow up speaker after Kate Carnell. Jaqi’s presentation was all about your...
The Inaugural FTMA – Meyer Timber Engineers Jenga Challenge
The Red Activities Day Ice-Breaker is being held on Monday 25th at RACV Royal Pines and is the perfect setting to network with conference delegates……all 215 of them! The theme is carnival theme...
FTMA National Conference Raising Funds for Cancer
I doubt I know anyone who has not been touched by the dreaded cancer. Whether it is a friend, family or yourself having to deal with this horrible disease. One of my dear school friends, Jodi...
Red Activities Day Events Bigger Than Ever
The Red Activities Day proudly sponsored by Pryda, Meyer Timber and Vekta Automaton is all about networking and having fun in the lead up to the FTMA National Conference. Events kick off at midday...
Key Note Speaker Locked In!
We are excited to announce that we have locked in soldier turned sporting superstar, Curtis McGrath as the key note speaker for the 2019 FTMA Australia National Conference. FTMA Australia made the...
FTMA Australia National Conference – Specifically Designed for the Fabricator
The FTMA Australia National Conference is being held at RACV Royal Pines on the 26th March 2019 and with activities the day before and the Multinail Machinery Expo the day following the conference,...
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