This piece was written by FTMA’s Kat Welsh.
Open for Nominations now!
With the new year comes the preparations for FTMA’s National biennial conference, March 18th and 19th in Geelong, VIC. It’s getting set to be an incredible event – looking ‘outside the triangle.’ The line-up for Red Activity Day, speakers at the conference, and the introduction of an art exhibition, are all experiences not to miss out on.

FTMA is also introducing new award categories this time around, to reflect the experiences of many in our sector, the pressures of small business, and the hardworking members throughout Australia. Nominations are now open, and we welcome applications, to help us highlight and acknowledge all the outstanding people in our frame and truss community.
But before we get into what awards are happening in March, let’s take a second to look at why awards are important. Dating back for thousands of years, recognition of great achievements have been the foundation of many civilisations and cultures – to acknowledge those that are exceptional citizens, sports persons, military leaders, scientific entrepreneurs, to name a few.
Being recognised with an accolade not only boosts morale, but drives innovation, encourages growth, and enhances the overall success of, in our case, the frame and truss industry.
Our sector is no stranger to needing to strive for the future, fight for recognition, and battle for survival. This is why FTMA wants to shine a light on individuals and businesses for their dedication and efforts towards their crafts. We want to consciously honour the excellent achievements of individuals and businesses that are taking on these challenges and making a solid contribution to the industry. Receiving recognition for hard work can accelerate development of new ideas, strategies, and brings us together in fostering a culture of improvement and togetherness.
There are remarkable people out there in this industry, and we want to celebrate them.
New Awards for 2024
Jackson Kidd Wellbeing Award
In 2022, as many of you know, Jackson Kidd died by suicide. Jackson was a beautiful young man, working within the frame and truss industry and sadly his life was cut short, just as he was making his mark in the world.
Research by many specialists worldwide, shows that mental illness, and ultimately suicide rates, do reduce the more people feel connected positively to those around them, and are part of a supportive community. We understand though that while tragedy can still strike, we all have a role to play in supporting each other the best we can.
FTMA want to honour a tremendous young man from our industry by initiating The Jackson Kidd Wellbeing Award to recognise the dedication of fabricators to support the wellness of their staff.
The award is open to FTMA members who have implemented strategies, programs, or initiatives that help to support the on-going welfare of their employees. We spend large amounts of our lives at work, and it’s important that workplaces realise the impact they have on bringing people together, creating connections, and building resilient relationships. How has your workplace actively initiated wellbeing opportunities, or provided access to supports / training, to build a culture of care?
For the full criteria and nomination guidelines for the Jackson Kidd Wellbeing Award, click here.
FTMA Community Award
Being a business isn’t just about profit margins. Being a business is being part of the community. As much as you sell to those around you, there is a responsibility to give support back. The FTMA Community Award is a new award for 2024, recognising the important role that our members play in contributing to the bigger picture.
Businesses are catalysts for community development, stimulating local economies, supporting educational initiatives, and promoting social wellbeing. Ultimately, when fabricators are involved positively in the community, as a flow on effect, it also raises the profile of the industry, represents career pathways, and encourages job prospects.

FTMA wants to hear about the fabricators who have been making it a priority to support the community that supports them. What projects, groups, events, or programs has your business been involved in, and what impact has this had for wellbeing in the local or extended community? Has it promoted supports for youth, diversity, inclusion, connections, charity events… or some other contribution that is making a difference? Please help us celebrate the fabricators supporting society.
For the full criteria and nomination guidelines for the FTMA Community Award, click here.
FTMA Employee Recognition of Service Award
Another new award for 2024 is the FTMA Recognition of Service Award. Do you have employees that have been with you for 10 years or more? For those serving 10, 15, 20, 25+ years of employment to the same employer, this award is for them. We work together to achieve our mission, and by rewarding and celebrating valued and highly skilled staff members, we encourage long-term collaboration to grow. We’re promoting the value of these staff, by thanking them for their continued commitment.
Please help us acknowledge the importance of what these employees have contributed to the industry – what says appreciation more than being presented with an award at the FTMA 2024 National Conference?!
Multiple staff can be registered.
For the application form for the FTMA Employee Recognition of Service Award, click here.
Continued Award
Clive Martella Service to Industry Award
The legacy that Clive Martella leaves behind him, is all the values he stood by for the frame and truss industry. Clive, was the archetype of hard work, dedication, and commitment to this sector. He did whatever he could to drive the future of the industry. When Clive sadly passed away in 2016, it seemed obvious that FTMA needed to recognise all of his passion and the entirety of service, by also acknowledging others in the industry who have driven enduring advancements through their indisputable contributions to building the trade.

Past recipients include Reg Owen, Jim Cheney, and Tom Donohue.
Who do you know that absolutely should be included in this growing list of outstanding people?
Please send nominations, detailing as much as possible about how your nominee has gone above and beyond for the business, the industry, and for the future of us all. There are no specific guidelines for this award, other than this person needs to be the essence of devotion and innovation.
Nominations can be emailed to and titled ‘Clive Martella Service to Industry Nomination’.

FTMA knows that all these award categories are important in bringing us more together, and recognising everything great that is happening out there on the frame and truss landscape.
Help us to celebrate the fabricators that are building the continuous growth of our industry, through hard work, all round collaboration, and genuinely supporting employees, the community and the future of our sector.
If you have any questions, give Kersten a call on 0418 226 242.
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