One of the great benefits of being a FTMA member is the free Insurance health checks offered by our preferred insurance partner, AB Phillips.

Unlike most insurance brokers, who don’t understand the timber industry, AB Phillips have been experts in this field for over 20 years. It means they can go through your existing policies with a fine tooth comb and quickly uncover any holes in policies that are leaving businesses like yours dangerously exposed to unnecessary risk.

“I had one client recently” says Rob Saunders from the Timber Industry team at AB Phillips “and they run a large timber mill. I had a look through their existing policy from another broker and discovered they were doing nothing to show their insurer they were mitigating their risks around fire – which was adding a lot to their premiums.”

“I worked with them to establish a new set of regular, documented practices around hydrant flow tests, hazard identification methods and regular staff education that could demonstrate to the insurer their ongoing risk mitigation practices. Having this documentation meant that when I approached the insurers for quotes, I was immediately able to get better premiums for the client.”

Benefits like these are why the FTMA have chosen to partner with AB Phillips as our preferred insurer. They use their deep knowledge of the risks faced by businesses in the Timber industry to not only uncover issues in the existing cover of our members, but to provide insurance solutions that make sure our members are really covered. To be certain you’re really covered, take advantage of their free FTMA member Insurance audit today. Call 1300 242 136 or email

Don’t leave your future to chance
Get really covered with AB Phillips

AB Phillips are insurance brokers with decades of experience in the timber distributor industry. We work with you to understand your business and provide the best advice around helping you minimise your risks, covering the gaps in your insurance and stop you from paying premiums you don’t need to. When you need to make a claim, we also handle it all from start to finish.

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