Workers’ Compensation cover can become a heavy cost burden for a business operating in the Timber Industry. Which is why you should be sure you’re paying only as much as you need to. HRAnywhere General Manager, Brenda Garrard-Forster and her team are experts in the field of Worker’s Comp and have developed a pain-free process to review your premiums that often uncovers clients are paying more than they should.

“Plenty of businesses have set up their own Workers’ Compensation cover without really knowing what they’re doing” according to Brenda. “Once we’re appointed, we often find that they’ve either classified themselves under the wrong industry code, set-and-forget their declared annual remuneration, or not kept up to date with staffing levels.”

“We had one client recently that we secured a $218,000 refund for less than a month after they’d signed our Letter of Appointment. Once we had their authority, we did an audit of their last five years premiums and discovered a combination of mis-classification and over-estimated remuneration, presented that to the insurer and negotiated the reimbursement for the client.”

“This actually happens quite a lot – especially in the Timber Industry, which is why we offer our Worker’s Compensation Premium Reviews as a NO-WIN-NO-FEE service. We save a lot of our clients a lot of money, plus help show them that, thanks to our service across HR, OH&S and Worker’s Comp there are plenty of other ways HRAnywhere can make sure their people are no problem.”

“With the premium increases across most industries in Victoria increasing on 01 July 2023 by a minimum of 42% and some as high as 75 to 100% now is the time to ask us to review your premium.”

To learn more about what’s involved in a Worker’s Compensation Premium Review, or any of the other services HRAnywhere offers to make sure your people are no problem, reach out to Brenda Garrard-Forster and the HRAnywhere team on 1300 208 828 or email them

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AB Phillips are insurance brokers with decades of experience in the timber distributor industry. We work with you to understand your business and provide the best advice around helping you minimise your risks, covering the gaps in your insurance and stop you from paying premiums you don’t need to. When you need to make a claim, we also handle it all from start to finish.

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