This piece was written by Kersten Gentle.

I absolutely love the forest and wood products industry. It is an industry I have been involved in for close on 35 years. It’s an industry where I have built a strong career and it is an industry I am extremely passionate about.

I’ve worked within many sectors of the industry and the thing I love most about our industry is the amazing people.

As a woman working in a male dominated industry, I have had my fair share of meetings where I was the only woman, but I have always had a voice, and have always been treated with respect.

Over the years, it has been wonderful to see more women enter the industry in such a diverse range of jobs. There is no sector within the industry that hasn’t seen an increase in women, yet I know as an industry, we can attract more.

Recently I’ve had two women ask me, how I work with men in my industry. My answer is always the same, and that “It’s easy, as the men in my industry are wonderful.”

However, over the past month, there has been at least four occasions, where I have had to put forward complaints or take action due to inappropriate behaviour towards women in our industry. This is simply unacceptable.

It has shocked and saddened me that there are small minority who feel they have the right to bully people and treat others with disrespect, sexual advances or aggression.

The importance of treating everyone with respect cannot be overstated. Everyone, regardless of their gender, race, or profession, is battling their own unique challenges. One may never fully understand the depths of another’s struggles, making it imperative to treat them with kindness and respect.

In male-dominated industries, respect towards everyone can foster an environment of inclusivity and equality. It can also encourage open dialogue and mutual understanding, leading to a healthier and more productive workplace. Treating everyone with respect is not just about fairness; it’s about empathy, understanding, and recognising the value of every individual in the workplace.

It isn’t only women who are bullied or treated poorly. I recently had a member tell me about one of their new employees who has been bullied in a previous workplace. Everyone deserves respect, and no one should have to tolerate bad behaviour.

Whether it’s health, relationships, a disruptive market or the cost of living, everyone is feeling the strain, so be nice and stop and think before you treat someone poorly, as you have no idea what they are going through, and it is just unacceptable.

Our industry is a fantastic industry to work in, but we must work together to stamp out poor behaviour. Let our industry be an industry that is known for the way we treat everyone, and that it is a great industry for women to work in, without fear of poor behaviour or treatment.

This is a wonderful industry to work in and shortly we will be announcing a 2024 Women’s Retreat, specifically for women in the forest and timber industry.

This event will provide women the opportunity to explore mentoring programs, market and promote the many diverse roles for women in our industry and explore ways in which we can strengthen the national network.

If anyone has any questions or would like to ensure they are included in future dialogue around the 2024 WFTN Women’s Retreat, please contact me on 0418 226 242.

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