Written by FTMA’s Kat Welsh.
FTMA has new adverts on the Machinery For Sale page.
NOTHING says ‘incredible Christmas gift’ like buying your loved one, perhaps a Hundegger Speed-Cut SC3 or a Razer S5 Saw…
These are the latest adverts for November, from FTMA members Truss Tech, and Timber Walls and Trusses.
There are also items with prices reduced – Calco Trusses & Timber are selling a Full Roller Press System with 3 Setups.
Check out all these adverts and MORE by clicking the link below.

There will be some updates to the Machinery For Sale service over the summer. In the coming weeks, it’s going to be easier for FTMA members to upload information about machinery they want to sell.
Any FTMA members currently wanting to sell machinery, you can put your requests through to editor@ftmanews.com
Please include details of the machinery, price, photos, contact person, and we can also put videos of the machinery on the advert.
The Machinery For Sale advertising is free to FTMA members. This is one of the many benefits to FTMA membership.
Anyone can visit the website to search the adverts – nationwide, members and non-members… anyone can purchase. FTMA Newsletter emails, with new machinery updates, get delivered to the inbox of fabricators, suppliers, and industry businesses, across Australia. Since starting Machinery For Sale, FTMA has facilitated the selling of over $3 million of machinery, and we’re about to make this bigger and better for members to advertise.
Why is Machinery For Sale
Members Only Advertising?
The advertising service is free to FTMA members only. Sometimes we’ve been contacted and offered payment by non-members to advertise, but this is a benefit for fabricators that support FTMA to support them. Become an FTMA member, and advertise for free! Plus FTMA membership gives businesses many many other benefits and resources. While there are plenty of things that FTMA are doing as an association to represent and benefit the industry as a whole, there have to be advantages reserved for our members only. We need the support from membership, to keep doing what we’re doing – not to make profits, but to make a difference.
Thinking of becoming an FTMA member? Sign up and join 160+ Australia-wide frame and truss fabricators, already making the most of membership gains.
If you’re an FTMA member and would like to advertise machinery, please get in touch editor@ftma.com.au
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