by FTMA News | Feb 25, 2020 | Training
If you are a timber system designer or support development of skills in timber system design in our local industry, you are invited to comment on two new qualifications. These qualifications are the Certificate III in Timber Systems Design and the Certificate IV in...
by FTMA News | Dec 15, 2019 | Training
2019 has seen the development of the Short Course in Timber Systems Designer. This has been as a result of the amazing support of the Office of the Victorian Skills Commissioner (VSC), ForestWorks and the group of dedicated nail plate and fabricator representatives...
by FTMA News | Sep 25, 2019 | Training
Over two years ago, Phil Ladson and I began investigating the training, or lack thereof, for Designers within our sector. We looked at the traditional names of Estimators and Detailers and were informed by Government departments that they didn’t help in creating a...
by FTMA News | Sep 25, 2019 | Training
Learn to build more efficiently One of the first of its kind in Australia, Construction as production is a new professional development subject to help you understand production orientated methods and take advantage of the technical and commercial...
by FTMA News | Jun 24, 2019 | Training
A lot of work has been happening on the training for the frame and truss industry and even though the wheel of progress works slowly, we believe we are heading towards a bright future for our industry, especially with upskilling and training in the field of Timber...
by FTMA News | Mar 27, 2018 | Training
TABMA Training has been allocated existing worker funding for NSW covering a Certificate IV in: Business Sales Leadership & Management The funding needs to be allocated by the 30th June and offers great incentives for Fabricators to sign people up with great...