Rules Surrounding Delivery to Top Plate

Ever since I started with FTMA Australia there has been debate over the regulations regarding delivery to top plate and even though traditionally it was only a Victorian issue, it has become an issue in a few other states. On Friday 12th July FTMA Australia hosted a...

Ruling on Workers Compensation at a Work Event

When I hear employers and Members talk of their experiences with the workers compensation system, I normally see the abject pain and helplessness displayed on their normally pleasant facial expressions. Invariably, the issue of unfair liability arises from business...

Noise & Hearing Loss in the Workplace

It is not an overstatement to say that one of the most critical issues facing every business owner in our industry is the exposure of their employees to hazardous noise at the workplace.  Too much noise at work can lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss or a...

Loading/Unloading Policy for Members

FTMA Australia in conjunction with our Safety Experts at TTIA have developed a Loading/Unloading Policy for members to adopt for their businesses. This document also includes General Forklift Safety information as well as Safe Work Australia’s Guide for workplace...

Transport – Chain of Responsibility

HEAVY VEHICLE NATIONAL LAW (HVNL) On 1 October 2018, the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) was amended to provide that every party in the heavy vehicle transport supply chain has a duty to ensure the safety of their transport activities. The supply chain extends to...