A lot of work has been happening on the training for the frame and truss industry and even though the wheel of progress works slowly, we believe we are heading towards a bright future for our industry, especially with upskilling and training in the field of Timber Systems Designers (Estimators & Detailers).
The Victorian Skills Commissioner has been working a project with an team from our sector to develop a short course to focus on training specifically with Timber Systems Designer, however, at the National Government level the time has come to review the current Timber Truss & Frame Estimating & Design training packages as well.
This is a critical time as there has not been enough taking up of training within the timber supply chain on the wide range of qualifications on offer. Is this because they are no longer relevant, or is it because the implementation of the training is not suitable to industry? We are not sure but what we are certain of, is that we, as an industry must address this issue or face losing all future training qualifications and funding. As they say use it or lose it and this is not a scenario that will benefit our industry.
Last week Phil Ladson (FTMA Training Officer) and Kersten met with ForestWorks to discuss the review of the training packages for our sector including Certificate II, III & IV with only the design side being focused on for Cert IV.
As part of the process, we are seeking nominations for a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Of course, we will want a representative of the nail plate companies, but we also want fabricator involvement to ensure we get the training right, for both manufacturing and design.
The TAC needs to be finalised by Thursday 4th July 2019 for commencement of the review in mid-July. The TAC may include technical industry experts, industry associations, employee associations, regulators and training providers. The support that the project needs from the TAC includes:
- Provide input with respect to the project on areas of industry skill development requirements, job roles and key tasks and activities
- Provide technical expertise that will inform the content of units of competency
- Review and provide feedback to the draft materials
- Provide input to clarify potential differing views on industry requirements
- Share project materials with other experts for their input.
A lot of work has already been done by Phil Ladson on behalf of FTMA and we want to ensure that not only the content is correct, but the delivery of the training is also what the fabricators want.
We encourage fabricators who can spare the time or have employees who can spare time to be part of this process and of course, FTMA will ensure there is plenty of consultation via our networks throughout the process with presentations at State Seminars and via the FTMA News Online Newsletter.
If you would like to be involved as part of the Technical Advisory Group please contact Kersten directly at kersten@ftma.com.au with your relevant contact details.
It is important that our sector focuses on upskilling rather than going with other industry who tend to down skill their workforce. If we want to create a career pathway for the future of our industry than we need to get these training packages correct and we need fabricators to take up training of their employees.
If you have any questions please give me a call on 0418 226 242, otherwise please send through your nominations for the TAC no later than Tuesday 2nd July.