There has been a strong loud message within the frame and truss sector and respective timber supply chain that we need a coordinated approach to promoting the benefits of timber framing.
Let’s face it, there are plenty of benefits, but are we getting the message across to the builders, designers and architects in an effective manner. The answer is there is room for improvement but it must be done in a coordinated and unified manner.
Christine Briggs of AKD Softwoods (right) and Marita Indugula-Pierce of Timberlink spoke on behalf of the industry supply chain and the work being undertaken by MKDS, a marketing development group within AFPA.
To be upfront, FTMA Australia strongly believes in a united supply chain and taking this project, from a fabricators point of view it is important to include both Australian timber producers plus all the importers who supply quality timber in to our markets.
We need that loud voice and even though all timber companies have their own marketing, we need the message to be a unified one, one that focuses on the pre-sales team with training and marketing right through to the technical support and chain of custody offered post-sales.
The whole supply chain has a role to play from the sawmiller, to fabricator, building and consumer and we need to be loud and proud of the amazing product we sell.
To start with we once again encourage fabricators to sign up as supplier partners to WoodSolutions by visiting their website.
We are Carbon Warriors and we have a story to tell, so thank you to the timber companies for beginning work on this campaign and we hope to see a united approach to benefit the whole supply chain.