This is the 5th Conference I have organised for FTMA and at every one, I have wanted to talk about machinery, whether it be sawing or automation through the truss machinery and I was pleased that instead of having the companies themselves talk about their products we had four fabricators tell us about their experiences.
This was not a session designed to talk about particular brands, even though each fabricator manage to sneak in their chosen company but what the session was truly about was to talk about what difference automation and optimisation has made to their businesses.
The fabricators spoke about the importance of investing in technology or be left behind. Not only does increased optimisation assist with safety but it addresses bottlenecks within the business and even though you are spending money, in reality you are saving money.
The increased productivity is only one benefit and I encourage fabricators who have not yet invested in automation or greater optimisation within their business to talk to their nail plate companies or the sawing companies.
I’ve already talked about it, but please if you haven’t already worked with AusIndustry, before taking the next step, talk to me about AusIndustry first as they can help attract much needed funding to take your business to the next level.

Optimising Your Business With Increased Automation Fabricator Panel at the FTMA Australia National Conference

L-R: Arthur Potter (Universal Trusses), Doug Maxwell (MB Prefab), Glynn Champion (Champion Prenail NZ), Brendan Schenider (Sunbury Wallframes & Truss) & Aaron Hillman (Trusscorp)
We hope you enjoy the video clip that was compiled for this session with contributions from MiTek, Multinail, Vekta & Hundegger which shows some amazing automation and equipment available for our sector.