Thank you to everyone who inquired about my health while I was in hospital. It’s very humbling to know so many people I have worked with were concerned.
It’s been a very long 3+ months after going into planned open heart surgery on August 15 to replace a faulty valve with a mechanical valve. Unfortunately, the surgery was far more complex than anticipated and I ended up in surgery for 12 hours resulting in my heart being weakened.
I spent the next 7 weeks in ICU, starting at Monash Medical Centre and then moving to The Alfred. Due to how sick I became my heart, lungs and kidneys all suffered and I got very sick for quite a few weeks and needed all the medical intervention available to pull through.
The good news is that I am now home and doing outpatient rehab. It took 12 weeks – 7 weeks in ICU, 2 weeks on the ward and 3 weeks in rehab but I am finally home and doing well. My heart, lungs and kidneys have all recovered well and now I’m just working on getting my strength back which will take some time.
Thank you again to you all for your good wishes. I hope this finds you all well, healthy and happy.
Let’s hope 2019 is a better year!