Written by FTMA’s Kat Welsh
“I’ve seen shifts in industry perceptions and increasing opportunities for women in leadership roles. More women are stepping into operational, technical, and executive positions, proving their value and their expertise. The industry is becoming more inclusive but there is still progress to be made.”
Christine Flanagan, Director of Calco Trusses & Timber

On March 8th 2025, it was International Women’s Day. To celebrate throughout the month of March, FTMA has been publishing articles to showcase 4 incredible women in the Timber Industry.
This year, the United Nations’ theme is March Forward, or the IWD organisation’s theme is Accelerate Action. Both of which are promoting ways for women to be given more opportunities when it comes to equality and equity. Maybe some might wonder why we’re needing to showcase achievements of women – aren’t we equal yet?
Statistics show that the women in the construction industry are still a minority, making up approx. 15% of the job force, with 3% working on the tools – a figure that remains largely unchanged since the 1990’s. When it comes to forestry and timber more specifically, a 2023 FWPA survey “…shows a positive trend in the increasing number of female employees in the industry. The survey also highlights an increase in female executive roles in both forest grower and timber processing sectors. Over the past 2 years, the proportion of female executives has increased from 20% (27 roles) in 2021 to 29% (42 roles) in 2023.”
The latter statistics are encouraging, knowing that more women are entering into forestry and timber, and increasing in numbers when it comes to management.

Christine Flanagan, Director of Calco Trusses & Timber, has worked extremely hard in the family business, and has done so successfully. She’s a tremendous person to exemplify as a female leader in the Timber Industry – she is a sound business director, and also has insight into the themes many women face when coming into a male dominated industry. I caught up with Christine to talk about her background, what her journey has been like, and the issues that women can face on a career path in a male populated sector as well as generally in society.
Christine grew up with the Calco business being a part of family life. “I come from a third-generation timber family. My grandfather Jack was a forestry contractor and later became a sawmill owner in Beech Forest, which is where Calco was founded. Growing up I spent a lot of time in sawmills, plantations, timber yards and building sites. My father Ian and his brothers expanded the business into house building, retail and prefabrication giving me further exposure to the industry.”
Christine talked about her experience of careers counselling at school, as a young woman, and the careers girls were mostly encouraged into at that time e.g. health care or teaching – even if that’s not where their interests lay. “Despite my family’s deep roots in timber I initially pursued a different path, studying occupational therapy at Uni… I went on to work in occupational health and safety. I quickly moved into management roles, and realised I had a strong passion for business management. Around this time my dad was encouraging me to join the family business and I eventually made the transition starting in administration, and found that the timber industry was a natural fit for me. I enjoyed learning the ins and outs of the business, what makes it thrive, and the challenges it faces. That’s how I came to be where I am.”

As an aside to the careers counselling issues, the sector still finds itself up against the view that Australian forestry and timber is contributing to de-forestation, loss of animal habitat, and that it is bad for the environment. Many are working tirelessly to re-educate specifically schools, and promote the industry as an excellent career pathway – bit by bit this is improving.
“When I was growing up, working in timber and forestry was sometimes viewed negatively by those outside the industry. I love that today people better understand timber sustainability, and the role it plays in climate change mitigation. It’s rewarding to be part of an industry that is by its very nature sustainable, so that really is a big tick for me.”
“I also thrive on the constant challenges of business, adapting to market demands, evolving and continuously improving. Being part of a family business means we are all deeply invested in both daily operations and the long-term success of the company. We can make decisions quickly allowing us to stay agile in a fluctuating market. Beyond my role at Calco I’ve also had the privilege of serving on the FTMA board for the past 7 years. Watching the organisation grow into the professional body it is today has been incredibly fulfilling, working with others in the industry, sharing the challenges has been very rewarding.”

“I come from a traditionally patriarchal family where I was initially expected to fit into an administrative role. However, being part of a family business gave me the freedom to explore all aspects of the company. My curiosity led me beyond administration and into manufacturing where I began to understand and influence the key factors behind our success. Outside of our business I’ve encountered assumptions about my role. At industry events people have often presumed I handle accounts or work in a supporting sector like insurance. Early on I was regularly seated with the wives at business dinners rather than at tables where core industry discussions were happening. I’ve learnt that women often have to actively claim their space in the conversation. On a positive side, I’ve seen shifts in industry perceptions and increasing opportunities for women in leadership roles. More women are stepping into operational, technical, and executive positions, proving their value and their expertise. The industry is becoming more inclusive but there is still progress to be made.”
The statistics from FWPA are testament that these shifts are happening.

With the ‘Accelerate Action’ theme in mind Christine said, “… supporting women in traditionally male dominated industries isn’t just about opening doors, it’s about ensuring that they have the resources, mentorship, and opportunities to thrive once they step through them.”
Christine talked about what it is like as a woman at Calco, but also the issues that women can face in the sector, or in other industries. The pathway has to include positive males, role modelling respectful and equitable behaviour – we will benefit from promoting the industry as an excellent environment for both genders to work in.
It’s becoming more normalised for women to go into career pathways when they can see others are succeeding in them. That fight to be the first female police officer, the first female firefighter, having a career in construction, leadership roles, or whatever it is, is being well challenged now. Knowing that women are already there and being successful, can just make the pathway a little bit less challenging for the next women to come through. But, it still doesn’t make it easy, and sexism is alive and well.
A media release from the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) about a survey they conducted in 2022, stated “Alongside 75% of respondents saying they have experienced gender-based adversity within their construction career, 50% agreed or strongly agreed that they have received inappropriate or unwanted attention from colleagues. While 43% disagreed with the statement ‘In my industry all genders have the same opportunities and career advancements.”
The feedback from the research was women being made to feel uncomfortable; losing out on career advancements; doubted, disrespected, or judged, in their field because they are female; or having to work harder for the same role as a male counterpart. Guaranteed every woman has had to face this at some stage.
Women don’t always speak up about issues. Sometimes they don’t want to make a fuss. Or the other alternative, they don’t feel safe to raise it, nor get heard if they do. When discrimination isn’t overtly sexist enough for everyone to recognise, it can go under the radar or not seen as serious. “In a lot of cases, females are really unsure of how to deal with it or have been socially conditioned to deal with it in a certain way. Hopefully, our girls these days are more equipped to call it out.” Hopefully men are more willing to call it out also.

The role that men have is crucial. Their responsibility is to call out any poor behaviour that makes anyone feel uncomfortable or undermined. Some of it is a cultural thing, something that will take time to progress through.
“We have made significant progress but there’s still a long way to go. Many workplaces now focus on hiring the best person for the role regardless of gender, which is a positive shift. However, societal expectations still play a major role in career progression. Generally speaking, women are more likely to take time off, or step back from their careers, to prioritise family. While men are often encouraged to pursue advancement without interruption. To achieve true gender equality, we need to balance these expectations, encouraging shared parenting responsibilities, and workplace flexibility, so that women can remain active participants in their industries. I believe we are seeing some positive changes with some companies recognising the value of both genders contributing to leadership. With continued active-effort I think we can create an environment where both men and women have equal opportunities to succeed. I use that word ‘active-effort’ because I think it’s not just going to happen.”
“I’ve been fortunate to have the flexibility to grow within my family business but not all women have that advantage. Only by actively creating pathways will we be able to encourage women to explore careers in fields like timber, construction, and manufacturing. Investment in leadership development, workplace culture that supports work life balance for both genders, and promotion of environments where all voices are heard and valued, will benefit organisations.”
Christine, thank you for your time in collaborating over this article. It has been wonderful to hear and write about your pathway to where you are now – a remarkable journey of true grit, astute leadership, and making it happen – and to also highlight some of the issues women face, how things are progressing, and how to keep travelling in the right direction.
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