The Circular Economy Survey is Live
This piece was written by FTMA’s Kat Welsh.
FTMA are co-funding The Timber Circularity project, and we need your input. We vitally require information about what fabricators are doing with their waste or leftover timber – please click the link below and provide this crucial information, so we can work together on the future sustainability of our sector.

The Australian government has called for a circular economy by 2030, and a reduction of resources to landfill. Unless other options are identified, this could result in increasing disposal costs for fabricators. Finding solutions for unused timber resource, including offcuts and sawdust which may currently be directed to landfill, will be a positive step for all fabricators.
The project researchers need to know all about your ‘waste’ biproducts; treated / untreated, what the issues / options are, quantities, costs associated, what you have tried… whether you have ingenious solutions, or the only option is paying for landfill, let us know. The only identifying detail needed is a plant location postcode (so researchers can look at what is in the area). The survey is short, only taking approx. 5 minutes, but the value of your involvement will help shape the industry and future of the timber circular economy – something we need to collaborate on for real solutions, and something FTMA is working hard on for its members, and the industry. Take ownership of the future!
The survey is open for fabricators until the end of May. We urge you to please get on to this as soon as you can, so the project data analysis can begin collating results. Join us in this important endeavour by completing the survey linked below. Together, we can forge a path towards a more sustainable future, where ‘waste’ becomes a resource.
Please click here for the survey. Or scan the QR code below.

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