This piece was written by FTMA’s Kat Welsh.

What You Need To Know About EXPAN Guides

Welcome back for the June edition of Design Guides That Matter #6. Where we are showcasing the incredible technical design guides that make up the FREE resources produced by WoodSolutions. For more general information on the design guides, January’s FTMA article has the main insight into what a great resource WoodSolutions has available.

We’re showcasing a number of guides this month, that make up the EXPAN series.

It’s important to note that this series, is written for the Australian market only, and is relevant to Australian codes and practices;

EXPAN Timber Concrete Composite Floors (30th  in the series)

EXPAN Long Span Roofs – LVL Portal Frames and Trusses (32nd in the series)

EXPAN Quick Connect Moment Connection (33rd in the series)

EXPAN Timber Rivet Connection (34th in series)

EXPAN Floor Diaphragms in Timber Buildings (35th in series)

EXPAN Engineered Woods and Fabrication Specification (36th in series)

Design for Fire (15th in series)

The thing that becomes obvious when looking through this particular series of guides, is just how remarkable timber is. The series, is really putting out there how the engineered design of wood can and does achieve great things. The capabilities when utilising these features are proving that our renewable material, wood, outperforms steel or concrete, and does not need to be replaced even for bigger builds.

For example, the EXPAN technology was used to construct; the Massey University College of Creative Arts building in New Zealand, an area where designing for earthquakes is essential for safety; Australia’s first public CLT building the Library at the Dock, in Melbourne, also heralding a 6 Star Green Star rating from the Green Building Council of Australia.  These projects demonstrate how engineered timber designs can be used in public buildings. The library is a testament to the potential of timber in creating functional and beautiful spaces while adhering to environmental standards.

The EXPAN series is an extensive blueprint for technical information and solutions, and is an important part of the WoodSolutions resources. There are a number of places around the world, increasing in traction recently, showcasing that wood is the future of construction. Timber structures and engineered wood are more than just a trend; they’re a movement towards sustainable, resilient, and aesthetically pleasing construction. From reducing environmental impact to offering unparalleled design flexibility, the benefits are clear. And the EXPAN guides, providing evidence of the strength of engineered timber, are at the forefront of this movement.

We highly recommend these resources, all instantly at your fingertips, and crafted by experts in this field. Please get on to it! Make the most of the abundance of combined knowledge.

It’s free and easy to register an account with WoodSolutions and then the design guides are also free to access after that. The library is constantly being added to, updated, and are often discussed in WoodSolutions’ webinars, blogs and social media posts.

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