Clive was an essential person within the FTMA Board. Not only was he one of the people who worked hard to get the National Association going but he remained a Director throughout his time on the board. He was Kersten’s go to person with technical, production or business issues and he always came through, not only for her, but for other fabricators as he was always willing to share information to improve the standards of the industry and help his competitors.

Sadly Clive Thomas Martella passed away of the 28th August, 2016 at the young age of 62 after a short but courageous battle with cancer.
Before Clive passed away we told him we would be honouring him with the Clive Martella Service to Industry Award. Typical of Clive he said he didn’t need it as he was truly a humble person but he meant so much to us that we need it. We want to continue his legacy by recognising people who shared his passion for our industry.
A group of four industry leaders who were all Clive’s friends, Michael Read (Keith Timber & Hardware), Doug Maxwell (Clive’s brother in law and Business Partner in MB Prefab Framing), Steve Collier (TimberTruss) and Phil McCormack of McCormack Hardwood Sales were appointed to the selection committee.
The inaugural recipient of the award was Reg Owen, a true industry entrepreneur and there is no doubt without his involvement in our industry though out many decades our industry would have struggled.
Reg, like Clive firmly believed that the key to success in business is to have the right people in place and look after them.
Reg, like Clive believes in sharing information to help fabricators grow which in turn helps the industry become stronger and there is no doubt at all through Reg’s innovation that he has not only helped the frame and truss sector grow, but has shaped it through his innovative machinery.
We are seeking nominations for the 2019 Clive Martella Service to Industry Award. There is no criteria for the award as we want the Award to reflect Clive’s values, and that is someone who goes out of their way to help people and businesses within the industry. Someone who is honest and committed to seeing the national frame and truss industry innovate and grow and someone who has themselves, made a great commitment to our industry.
If you know someone who you believe is worthy of this award, whether they are an FTMA Member or not, please nominate them by completing the nomination form via the link below.
Clive Martella Service to Industry – Nomination Form

L-R: Ruth Martella, Reg Owen & Clive’s sister, Sue Maxwell

Clive Martella Service to Industry Recipient Reg Own with wife Jenny Owen

L-R: Reg & Jenny Owen with son Glenn & Maryanne Owen