FTMA Tech Talk – Ed.40

Introduction of New Glulam Grades & Products With yet another challenging year coming to a close, I’m sure we are all looking forward to a well-deserved break from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, timber supply issues and the booming construction industry as a...

FTMA Tech Talk – Ed.39

Coping with Timber Shortages The Australian timber industry is currently coping with a severe short supply of structural timber. While local producers are making every effort to bridge the supply chain, there is a major influx of natural sawn and other engineered...

FTMA Tech Talk – Ed.38

Highlighted Changes of New AS 4055 and AS/NZS 1170.2 There are two major Australian standards for wind loads and wind actions for the building industry to follow. They are AS 4055 – Wind load for housing, and AS/NZS 1170.2 – Structural design actions Part...

FTMA Tech Talk – Ed.37

Common Site Issues Construction schedules can often be challenging and any impacts to the flow of installation can be costly and lead to frustration. However, a number of the issues we see are repetitive and can be easily avoided on site with a little attention to...

FTMA Tech Talk – Ed.36

Keeping an eye on cumulative/global deflections when designing roof trusses On a recent site inspection to investigate reduced roof truss clearances over various internal walls, I came away thinking that if a bit more attention had of been paid to the potential for...

FTMA Tech Talk – Ed.35

Highlighted changes in the new AS1684 The moment you have all been waiting for is finally here. The release of the greatly anticipated new revision of AS1684:2021. This new version now supersedes the last version (AS1684:2010) which you all would have on your desk and...