Machinery For Sale – Popup Saw

MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, South Coast Timber Supply has the following item for sale: Popup Saw $2,000 Comes with infeed and outfeed rollers plus dust extractor Location Falls Creek, NSW If interested, please contact Brendan Aulsebrook of South Coast...

Machinery For Sale – Alpine C4

MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, South Coast Timber Supply has the following item for sale: Alpine C4: Alpine Ram Easyrider 757A $550,000 Now $325,000 neg 23m long table. Can do multiple setups. Comes with tables, lifters, receivers, rollers and FRP Location...

Machinery For Sale – Wood Runner

MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, South Coast Timber Supply has the following item for sale: Wood Runner $325,000 Now $195,000 Well maintained plant. Has 13 bunks. Currently feeding a Hundegger SC3 saw. Wood Runner will remain operational in plant until sold....

Machinery For Sale – Mitek Miser Saws x2

MACHINERY FOR SALE FTMA Australia Member, South Coast Timber Supply have the following items for sale: Mitek Miser Saws x 2 $45,000 each 2008 Mitek Omni Miser II saw x 2. Includes infeed and outfeed. Located at Falls Creek, NSW. If interested, please contact Brendan...