Written by Christine Briggs
Timber Framing Campaign Manager, WoodSolutions

My biggest objective this year is to leverage our Timber Framing campaign assets, which are being rebranded to WoodSolutions, and to present these assets to builders for use in their own marketing efforts to prospective homeowners.

A social media example below from LinkedIn with new WoodSolutions branding (left) and the homeowner certificate for the builder handover pack (right).

As we all know, a common marketing tactic of builders is to promote free upgrades in their home deals, but the free upgrades tend to be the high-profile aesthetic items – kitchen benchtops, appliances etc.

It’s less “sexy” and conspicuous but more impactful in terms of helping climate change that both the builder and homeowner choose timber framing. 

In the last 3 months, since commencing as the new campaign manager, I have been following up some of the contacts with builders that were made during 2022/23, especially with the Top 100 builders who received the well-regarded Timber Framing. Let’s Build a Better World video direct mailer pack.

For the top 100 builders, this also included a customized section on their carbon mitigation impact with the number of homes they built in 2022 – impactful content and the feedback was very positive.

Below: Video Direct Mailer pack sent to Top 100 builders in 2022 which also included a customized video opening screen with their impact in terms of carbon mitigated in building with timber frames (Henley Homes example shown here).

This customized positive message PLUS the offer of free marketing resources that can be co-branded presents a compelling value proposition to builders.

Some builders seem to understand this, and we are underway with WoodSolutions TIMBER FRAMING promotional installations in their design centres (more on this in our next update) but most contacts made to date seem less interested.

As a marketer myself and reaching out to the marketing personnel in builders’ businesses, I am frustrated that they are not more curious to learn more about how we can help them promote this aspect of their businesses and how this gives them some real “green” credentials in terms of sustainable building materials choices.

It doesn’t require them to change anything in their building and design but just communicate proudly that their homes are built with sustainable timber framing.

I understand builders are busy and focused on their own survival, particularly with the decrease in new home builds.  So, even more reason, to use another angle to communicate your value proposition as a builder to prospective new homeowners.  This is a unique opportunity in the coming year for builders to join our campaign and receive the benefits of free promotional materials, co-branded and professionally created.

What I am learning is that cold calling is hard – I can hear all of the business development and sales personnel out there nodding right now!  So, my request to FTMA members is that if you know a builder who you believe would be interested in using our campaign materials and you have a trusted working relationship with them, can you please open the door for me and make an introduction?

I could joke that I always thought builders would be interested in FREE STUFF but that’s a bit insulting.  What I am confident in, is that using our campaign materials, which can be co-branded and adapted to a builder’s key branding messages, will help them distinguish their own business in an overcrowded market.

And to reinforce, our market research shows that whilst most homeowners still trust their builders to make the key building materials choices such as the house frame material, in the design and build of their new homes the research also highlights that majority of prospective new homeowners will think more favourably of a builder who can recommend materials that both work and are sustainable and good for the environment.

Again, if you have a builder contact who you believe would value access to our WoodSolutions TIMBER FRAMING promotional assets, please put them in touch with me or I’d love their contact details after an endorsing introduction from you, their reliable timber prefab framing supplier!

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know at:

Christine Briggs

WoodSolutions TIMBER FRAMING Campaign Manager
M: 0418 255 050
E: ChrisB_CultureBrand@outlook.com

And, let’s not forget those companies that have helped fund this initiative in past years which has helped enable the 2024/25 campaign!

Our Principal Partners