As Timber Framing the Ultimate Renewable™ continues to roll-out its campaign to digital and outdoor markets, we also see the Timber Industry looking at ways to expand its reach to educating its target audience of Builder/ Carpenter Apprentices. And on the manufacturing front, saw millers in Australia continue their ongoing burnt log salvage program.
Timber Framing – the Ultimate Renweable™
Since the commencement of the Timber Framing Campaign in December 2019, we have had tremendous results and ongoing exposure of the Timber Framing the Ultimate Renewable™ brand and message:
- 9K visitors to website since launch
- Nearing 4 million advertising impressions online
- 400,000 completed views of our Builder testimonials on various websites
Continue to keep an eye out online and on the roads for this campaign.
Targeting Builders/Carpenters Apprentices will be key
At the recent Woodsolutions student sessions at Holmesglen TAFE, millennials were keen to learn about the benefits of Timber Framing and The Ultimate Renewable™ story. What’s more they were very enthused to hear that there are groups working together for the same cause. Big ticks!
These sessions made it abundantly clear that the Education sector must be an integral part of the future Timber Framing campaign planning.
In months to come, “Timber in Bushfire prone zones” and “Security of Supply” will be our new focus areas for Timber Framing the Ultimate Renewable™. Here is some news on this front:
Post fire recovery and salvage operations are in progress
The impact of the fires has been significant with damage to our forests and forestry industry workers, businesses, and communities, however a huge recovery and salvage operation immediately commenced and is ongoing.
Although significant, the bushfires have impacted only part of Australia’s softwood plantation resource other regions, trees and associated timber processing facilities are unaffected.
Logs recovered from standing burnt trees can be processed up to about 12 months post-fire and previous experience indicates that placing burnt logs under water sprinklers extends that processing time further.
Sawn Timber Supply Post-Fires
Customers can have confidence that sawmills have in place rigorous grading and testing processes for structural timber products processed from burnt logs.
Want’s more, supply of timber products will not be an issue. As burnt logs are being recovered and processed by domestic sawmills, any timber shortfalls will be picked up by timber imports.
Construction in Bushfire-Prone Areas
Timber-framed homes can be built in bushfire-prone areas when constructed (as with all building materials) in accordance with AS 3959.
With the appropriate design considerations, you can build a home in bushfire-prone areas using sustainably sourced renewable timber products.