Members would be aware from previous correspondence distributed about the current moves by Work Safe NSW to apply greater focus to the Workplace safety systems in place by businesses in the frame and truss sector. It would be wise to think that similar moves are being taken by safety regulatory bodies in other States.

This is therefore time to bite the bullet and take pro-active steps not only to ensure compliance, both to identify and take control of potential workplace safety hazards, but to also ensure the required systems and paperwork is in place to avoid fines or unwanted prosecution by government safety authorities.

In recent correspondence with a Safe Work NSW inspector after an incident involving an injury to a young worker, it was apparent that Safe Work NSW expects businesses to be fully aware of the potential dangers when operating frame & truss machinery and the control measures that need to be taken to reduce these risks.

This is a timely reminder to get our respective houses in order as well as achieve some peace of mind in what is clearly a critical area for any business owner.

FTMA, in conjunction with our partner TTIA, have negotiated a comprehensive list of WH&S services at reduced fee. This reflects the non-profit nature of both service organisations to our members.

Members are urged to review the services and contact the Association to take positive steps to ensure your workplace safety compliance is fully covered.